kowaliw dot ca :: Evolving novel image features using genetic programming-based image transforms

Evolving novel image features using genetic programming-based image transforms

T. Kowaliw, W. Banzhaf, N. Kharma, and S. Harding
at IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation CEC'09
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In this paper, we use Genetic Programming (GP) to define a set of transforms on the space of grayscale images. The motivation is to allow an evolutionary algorithm means of transforming a set of image patterns into a more classifiable form. To this end, we introduce the notion of a Transform-based Evolvable Feature (TEF), a moment value extracted from a GP-transformed image, used in a classification task. Unlike many previous approaches, the TEF allows the whole image space to be searched and augmented. TEFs are instantiated through Cartesian Genetic Programming, and applied to a medical image classification task, that of detecting muscular dystrophy-indicating inclusions in cell images. It is shown that the inclusion of a single TEF allows for significantly superior classification relative to predefined features alone.